Cuteness cruelty

Why is it that when we’re consumed with animal adoration, we say, “I WANNA EAT IT!”…? Actually, I’ve never said this, but I get it. My personal reaction is to emit a high pitched squeal as the muscles of my body enter a collective spasm not unlike the final stages of tetanus infection. Although it’s been a million years since I read Mice and Men, I was recently reminded of.. Read More

EpicGenetics: Change your DNA?

“I got it from mah mama…” Whether we’re talking about double D’s with a side of sumptuous rump or a femme Mario ‘stache paired with pustulent bacne – most people mean to reference “genetic inheritance” upon uttering this phrase. And for a long time, science has indeed shown evidence that we’re genetically indentured servants, so why bother working beyond that? But, yet again, science has to say “Maybe not…” With.. Read More