Laughter makes us better tee-hee-heem players

Laughter may be the “best medicine” – but I like to know where my drugs come from. So, I did a lil research. While I’ve written about comedy before, I’ve never managed to get to the causes behind the actual act of laughter. From an evolutionary standpoint – why would we do that? What purpose would it serve? With language or circumstances, it’s usually to do with learning something in.. Read More

Chip and… Dracula?

Holy cough drops – this is a real thing? Scientists in Southeast Asia are studying what’s called a “vampire squirrel”. I mean, I’d heard of zombie fungus before – the one that infects ants – but that real life horror show left the entertain-me centers of my brain unsatisfied. That, I assume, was mostly because the ants didn’t really turn into the animated decaying – they just had their still-alive.. Read More

Downer comments can amplify your life.

The other day as I was about to attack a deliciously seductive salad the size of small house, somebody asked me that question that’s almost become cliché to ask anyone who doesn’t eat meat: “So… where do you get your protein?” It feels derisive when some people ask it – almost like an attack. And I think that’s because – especially when our more worldly friends ask it with a.. Read More