New Facebook feature lets you keyword stalk people

You know, I used to get annoyed at those friends who’d delete their Facebook accounts. Only to re-friend request me a week later. #OhhhNice…YouLeft? To be fair, I had a right to. Most of the time – for them – it was preceded by a whole long status update tantamount to a social media “Goodbye Cruel World” note. (“So long! I’m off to the infinite abyss of not sharing my.. Read More

Holygraphic universe, batman!

If you’ve heard of “holographic universe” theory, it may’ve left you a bit… …speechless. Honestly, I didn’t quite “get” this Matrix-y idea the first time around and it’s still a bit vague for my little brain. But, simplified, it’s this complicated theory about the concept that black holes might keep information they suck in (not destroy it) and how our whole reality is being projected back out at us from.. Read More

One way holidays: a-Swiss-ted suicide

Depressed about summer vacation being over? Why not book a vacay to Switzerland – and kill yourself? #twofer #YODO! Indeed, Swiss assisted suicide’s been legal since the 40’s and then they made it a whole business around the 1998 when a company in Zurich called Dignitas was formed. And while there are a few states here in my home country that allow it (Oregon, Vermont, New Mexico, and Washington) and.. Read More

Microgravity hygeine isn’t sey

Anyone else ever see the “Solaris” remake? I’m going to hope-assume you all did. ’cause this: Although this film’s in my top faves, every time I see it, I think: 1: This soundtrack is awesome. 2: How (while orbiting a conscious planet with psychic powers) does George Clooney maintain the perfect amount of mug fuzz? 3: I suppose I could have used his other outer space flick “Gravity” to introduce.. Read More