I fux wit F.lux (2 day experiment with amber-lit devices)

I sleep in three hour increments at most. Every damned night. It’s to the point where I put off even laying down. Instead, I just sit up and think productive, philosophical thoughts about the universe. It doesn’t matter when I lay down – the story’s always the same. And I only have myself to blame. Because I know what I need to avoid doing to sleep better and I still.. Read More

Video game vampires

Volunteering time and service is hard enough. Volunteering my scarlet life oil that commutes through my body tubes each day? Psshhha. Don’t people get paid for that? I’m kidding. Kind of. And by that, I mean – that’s the first selfish thought that comes to my mind. And the second thought is “Yes. People get paid for that.” And then the third thought is: “Instead, I’ll just not press the.. Read More

Fired up over water

I drink a lot of water – but not enough, apparently. (^Good indication you’re either drinking enough water or too much coffee.) Truth is, if I had enough money, I’d probably get in the suggested three liters a day because I’d either buy out the Aquafina in the store (and be one of those parasites of the earth contributing to more of the plastic problem) or buy a reverse osmosis.. Read More