Tell me: Is a “symmetrical” face attractive?

Well, eff what YOU think; Wikipedia says so, so it must be:


It wasn’t until later on in my life (during some high school art class or whatever) that I realized our faces aren’t perfectly symmetrical. I mean, how could it be? Whether that kid sitting next to me who had bacne and talked like Chris from Family Guy was facing left or right, I could still totally recognize him by either side of his face, right?

But try and mirror either side of his face up to the other, and he could either morph into Johnny Depp or Philip Seymour Hoffman.


It’s funny – a “reliable” source like Wikipedia will suggest symmetry is considered aesthetically pleasing. Personally, I love how what’s “beautiful” is even spelled out for us now/no longer open to interpretation. No wonder kids have body dysmorphic disorders and poor self images.

Anyway, let’s put this “symmetry is beautiful” theory to the test with some celebrites. YOU guess which one is the “real” them, and which of the other two pictures are their left or right side mirrored via photoshop:

Yep. Checks out.
Yep. Checks out.

Yeah, Adriana’s face-symmetry corroborates the theory thus far; but let’s face it: She would look perfect with no head at all.

Moving on to Brad:

Oh, dear...
Oh, dear…

So here’s my question:

Is there a youth sieve somewhere in Brangie’s mansion? And Angelina takes out this funnel every night and injects it into Brad’s face, before slowly sucking the years out of him and into herself like some Disney witch? Because poor Brad looks like a True Blood fairy that’s just been sucked dry by Eric Northman on a blood binge, while Angiepants (speaking of facial symmetry) has still got it going on:

Seriously? I can't even tell which one is her real face...
Seriously? I can’t even tell which one is her real face…

Fret, not, though.

Rihanna does not look so hot when we symmetrically surgically facial photoshop her:


Then again, I really have never found her as attractive as some of her musical cohort idols anyway.

Better yet – I finally found one who turns this whole theory upside down. Miley has such a symmetrical face, that all of these look alike to me. That does not change, however, the fact that she looks like someone locked Vanilla Ice in a spray tan stall and set it on full blast:


So… that just leaves me. I tried to do a poor man’s version of photo-shop-swap with MSpaint. I’m not trying to get featured in the Whitney here or anything, so here’s my swap:


Hah! That’s fun. I get to either look like alien versions of Ali Graynor (the chick from Nick & Nora and For A Good Time Call), or Heather Locklear (hair and ALL).

For the first time in my life, I think I’m going to say that I’ll stick with what I’ve got for now. Some people just look better uneven.

Hell, it beats Rihanna!

Oh, wait. No… that’s Chris Brown I’m thinking of. Chris Brown is the one who beats Rihanna.

Anyway, have a lovely day!
