Ish Girls Say…

From adolescence to adulthood, those passive aggressive remarks women make seem to have followed. It’s as though we’ve matured physically only. Yes, I say we because I’m sure I’ve fallen into the routine of gossiping and being just as bad at one point or another. I don’t know a chick who hasn’t at least occasionally. Even that one seemingly perfect non-instigator you think you know or work with surprises you and does it behind your back. I’m also sure I can add a ton more to this list, but here are a few of my favorites:

“Aren’t you cold?”

I got so sick of this one in college. It usually came from prostitutes in pearls (aka the sluttier of the sorority chicks who rocked cardigans in public and knocked boots at the frat house.) Being a runner back then, I liked to show off my legs if it was warm enough. Regardless of the temp, however, “Aren’t you cold?” was more a statement in catty query form than a legit question, with the intended message being, “I have a complex and so I’m going to remark on the fact that your skirt doesn’t come down to your knees.”

“You’re so cute”

This one is interesting because it’s kind of an evolution of the previous phrase. The nice thing about “you’re so cute” is that it covers all bases – not just dress code. If you say or do something slightly out of line, silly, or that’s not with current trends, you’ll hear this gem, accompanied by a fake smile and a condescending tone. The intended message here? “I and everyone with whom I associate are awesome, whereas you’re just ‘cute’. Not ‘cute’ in the way that dress was I just saw in Vogue, but cute in the way a toddler or awkward teenager that everyone laughs at is because he doesn’t know any better.”

“I love it when”

I’m so guilty of using this phrase. And it’s not just for girls. “I like how”, “I love it when”, etc. is a means to set the stage for a full on sarcastic sentence. 9 times out of 10, if you see a sentence start off with this, a grievance is about to follow. Bringing it full circle, the best example would be: “I love it when girls ask ‘aren’t you cold?’ because I’m wearing shorts when it’s 80 degrees out.”
