I’m kinda Cher Horowitz when it comes to debating issues of war.

Not that educated, but the good intentions are there.


So that’s why it’s nice when someone who has both a wealth of background on the matter AND a good heart steps in to simplify it for people like me – and serve Hannity’s ass back to him. Before you start bucket-izing me into anti-donkey or elephant, just know I don’t identify with either. Whether it’s a political party or drugs at a party, lines make me anxious if you bring them too close.

So, for today, we’ll just focus on something that nice lady (who everyone loves quoting but whose quotes few seem to live by) said:


And Hannity’s message – whatever it is – gets lost in a barrage of invectives decorating an already uncouth tone and manner. If you’re right and you’re secure in your argument, you needn’t be loud or use violent body language to get it across. So when he tells a guest he’s not “getting it through his thick head”, talks over him loudly, points a stabbing finger repeatedly, and morphs into a playground bully, it was shocking to me. Was I watching a soap opera?

Regardless of what he was saying, I couldn’t get past the unlikeability bit of hatred seething out of his pores. At that point, it stops mattering what the content of your tirade is. Had he been arguing for the case of veganism in that constantly sardonic attack-mode tone like a cornered rat, I may have suddenly felt a visceral urge to visit Fogo’s straight away and eschew my entire diet on the spot.

Enter an a fellow non-meat eater (“Smooth segue, Ash”…”Thanks.”) Mr. Brand, who subsequently puts the host in his place:

The really fun part, though, happens afterward.

Hannity comes back with an attempted rebuttal – starting off the show by imbuing it with an antagonistic tone (bumping a song sung by Russell’s ex-wife as well as mentioning it – overkill, IMHO) and inviting a few of his homies on for the sole purposes of backing up his point, like a chain gang slinging yo-momma jokes.

Everything goes horribly wrong, though, when Geraldo – in a film-like moment where one of the bullies has that “this isn’t right” moment- starts disagreeing with him.

To be fair, I’ll show the original – and not just Russell’s second rebuttal.

Jesus, I get nervous just looking at that guy.

Anyone else imagine him practicing that in the mirror?

While playing with his penis?

The tension got so thick between the two there, that I sincerely felt Rivera might catch a face full of the veneer sneering host’s football at the end bit. Still haven’t ruled out that exactly that happened after the cameras turned off – especially with that cringe-worthy derisive forced chuckle people do when a comment’s not funny but it aligns with their belief system.


(But hopefully that epic moustache would have cushioned the blow.)

Whatever your out-loud argument is, make sure it matches your inner authentic truth (that’s just new age speak for: what you really believe at the end of the day for those few moments before taking out your contacts when you actually have to see your reflection gazing angrily back at you). That way, when you share it, you don’t have to do so loudly and forcefully. The more serene you seem while opining, the more likely others are to at least have an open mind about it. That mental state is harder to educe if you’re sputtering out vitriol and sweating under studio lights like an angry swine in a toupee.

Like I said, I’m not that educated on the details, but I can see when things look like they could turn into more of an ego battle for those who do have a better background. So I hope this doesn’t become about a pissing contest rather than peace – the larger issue and source of the argument.

That’s why Mr. Brand’s second video is easier to follow and identify with.

In sum, an intimidating manner won’t drive home your point – it just drives people away.

(Unless, of course, you’re paying them or they already share your ideology.)

So, say your piece with peace.

Even if I’m not sticking around for round 3.
