Watching a documentary on men who dig younger chicks when I remembered a photo I’d been meaning to “meme” for some time…

Click to view the documentary…

Instead of embedding, I’ve linked it via my Ashley original pic above. I myself have barely begun the movie, so I’ll just have to “update” this blog if and when I finish it. Already I’m in light disagreement with some of what I’m hearing, but subjects like these are rather controversial, especially when it gets to the “grey” areas. For instance, I don’t think it makes you a pedophile to “be attracted” to younger women (within reason), so much as if you act on it in any way. Also a grey area are the girls who are almost 18, dating 18 year old guys, etc. Again, I’ve only just started it so I’ve no idea what to expect. Make no mistake – pedophilia is wrong, for sure. It’s the parameters and definition of it that might stir up disagreement.

Anyway, feel free to share your own thoughts if you decide to give it a watch.
