Braingames: Well he didn’t say I was *wrong*..

I’m not coordinated enough yet to eat soup and read simultaneously. Like the guy above, I can’t even manage to remember things fresh out the nuker are magma level hot. Which is ironic, I suppose, considering that my too-stupid-to-multitask non-quality drives me to hunt for something brainy on T.V. if I’m outta good documentaries to watch. Thus, lately, my go-to’s been “Brain Games”. The commercials give me just enough time.. Read More

Are brain games mindless mental masturbation?

We work out all sorts of different body parts to look good and train. So… why not our brains? That was (in so many words) the pitch from Lumosity many moons ago when I first saw an ad for it. “Brain games” purport to boost your memory into your golden years and even make you better at math. So, after about the millionth time seeing one of these things, I.. Read More