I love that this guys loves vacuums as much as I do…

Requesting a vacuum cleaner this Christmas made me feel old, alone, and a bit insane. What made me feel worse? The dewey eyed excitement response I wasn’t expecting to have when I got it. And when I took it home. And when I turned into a floor-specific Cinderella…. But apparently, it’s not just old, solitary, possibly crazy folk who are into this stuff. Because this 14 year old kid called.. Read More

Bad HyJeans: Strange fashion hacks

How often do you wash your blue jeans? Fashion says… this is a trick question. And that you should never wash your jeans. Well, not never. But almost. Instead, major designers dabbling in denim fashion dictate a “once every few months” (if that) actual machine wash to keep crisp or whatever jeans are meant to do. And in between that? The advice is essentially an abbreviated gag reel of unconventional.. Read More