Cure for Alzheimer’s? Can I volunteer my makers as tribute?

A popular scripture goes: In the beginning there was sound. That’s the actual translation – sound, vibration, logos, word. All samesies. But, now, thanks to recent research, it may serve as a reboot “in the end” as well – for Alzheimer’s patients. Great news. (Since my pop’s one ask-me-the-same-question-twice-in-5-minutes away from the nursing home I applied to work at.) I sat down to watch a documentary recently called “The Memory.. Read More

Are coconut oil’s cure-claims at least quasi legit?

So, is or is not coconut oil legitimately as good as people are telling me it is? From cooking to mouth sloshing to lathering it into your locks, I feel like this stuff’s usefulness ubiquity has become the vegan’s version of the Windex wielding dad gag in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”. Sure, it tastes great on toast, but if I was asked to compare it to any other similar.. Read More

Cancer gets owned by Mayo’s measle weapon

So… a woman’s cancer was suppressed by measles? Is this a potential cancer cure? Or the start of an “I Am Legend”, IRL zombie apocalypse? For the former: No – because it’s not a “blanket” cure (just one kind of cancer’s responded to it). Also, you must repeat studies a lot to even imply – not prove – causation (this just looked at a couple patients). Oh, right. And necrotic.. Read More