What we can learn from the Yellowstone wolf eco-effect

So, I just saw this amazing vid on the Yellowstone effect that happened when they added just one species to the mix. The idea was that all these animals were wandering around in this near-dystopian land. A buncha the bastards were eating up all the shrubbery, grazing the landscape away, and making the national park look like a flora infested outdoor crack house. Then, like some magical just-add-water answer, they.. Read More

Follow ups on the female orgasm…

So about a month ago or so, I wrote an article on the “mysteries of the female orgasm”… It was based off a piece that I had read in Psychology Today – and as I thumbed through the more recent issue, I noticed some loyal readers following up with their musings on said piece. The original posed the question: what was the function of the female orgasm – from an.. Read More