Home hacks assessed by cranky cat

Change is tough. But wasting change to make changes is a horse of a different design (I feel like that’s what the idiomatic phrase should really be – I mean what else could they be referring to than a zebra? What horse is more unique than a zebra?). And speaking of designs, that’s why yesterday, when I documented my design demi-makeover, I explained that it’d take some world class worldwideweb.. Read More

Life hack analysis by cranky cat

I love useless nuggets of knowledge. You know who else loves them? Curmudgeonly cats. (That’s right. We don’t have to use the names or fonts they do. We’re adults! We do what we want!) So instead of hearing my musings about a page of bright ideas I’ve stumbled across, let’s see the infamously cross philosofurry’s critique on these questionably random reality challenge hacks. Great. This will help me when I.. Read More