Baby baker photographic fails

When I lived in New Orleans, I noticed they’d hold a little shindig called Mardi Gras. You might have heard of it. But between the boobs and beads and shock and awe and puke and drunks chained to bicycle racks while cops on horses waited to come back and take them to jail… you wanna know what floored me most of all? The day I ate a piece of cake….. Read More

Wait to propagate?

Science says: Wait till late to morph into a micro human factory, and you’ll live forever. Kind of. A recent study shows that even just waiting to have your last kid until later on could do the trick too. In a study of 551 different families, most of the women who lived to the super old age of 95 had their last child after the age Jesus died. Those who.. Read More

“Being with child” is viral, says science

Hey lady moms! Is your life giving quality just your nether-cat being a copy-cat? Hey, don’t shoot those laser eyes at me, I’m just reporting what science has to say about this. In a study published in the American Sociological review, indeed it seems that the manifestation of life by the vaj is ultra viral. In the internet sense of the term, at least. The idea is that if you’re.. Read More