I count nopehundred and nopety nope nopes on this wall…

Usually when I say, “NOPE. NOPENOPENOPENOPE” it’s not one for 100+ spiders sat on my wall. It’s just because I’m reiterating my sentiments regarding a single case of BnE an arachnid’s performing in my home. Just one spider. Thusly, a cascade is set off of childlike screams, full body sweats, and the sudden capacity to impeccably aim the flat side of a phone book throwing star style at a microscopic.. Read More

Movies I don’t plan to see: WorldStarHipHop

Russell Simmons is super cool. What I like about celebs like him are how they bring an element of relatability to spirituality for us unspecial folk. He does yoga. He meditates. But unlike some of the stars I’ve witnessed go through a superficial metamorphosis, it’s not like he just fckks off his whole identity to move to an ashram or change career titles to “aghori sadhu”. He follows that old.. Read More

Irrational Ashley: Arachnophobia

It’s time we stopped to really do some pontification on a matter of importance: Why are spiders so terrifying? It’s one thing when they’re en masse. That’s gross for anyone. Even butterfly swarms can be sort of unnerving (they’re still bugs). But even just a lone eight legger scouting the sidewalk is enough to stand my invisible fur on end like a Doberman spotting a robber. It’s also enough for.. Read More