Self talk: Is your brain betching your soul out?

“Hey. HEY. Ashley.” I heard this voice the other night while in my bed. I was inside my double locked apartment. Where I live totally alone. (Calm down, Mikey. This ain’t that kindofa thriller.) But the reality behind it is kind thrilling. I mean, sure, had I still been in the phase of my life where I was watching unsolved mysteries and supernatural thrillers before bedtime, I’d’ve been 100% positive.. Read More

Denial…a trigger in Ego

So, there’s this fun story – this fictional (I think?) anecdote about a Russian cosmonaut. And it keeps popping into my head every so often. Basically, the guy’s up in space when he hears this continuous, monotonous tapping noise in his cabin. The dudes on the ground can’t identify it, so he rips everything apart to seek out the source. He finds nothing. The poor bastard is sure it’s going.. Read More