Chimney creep

What’s sooty, soapy, and filled with the sounds of Jackhammers? Why, a two hour rescue mission by firefighters to free a crazy intruder bish from the chimney of her internet boo’s abode, of course. Ya know, it’s funny, I’ve had that “Tyler” song by the Toadies stuck in my head for two days now (fun 90’s band with more than one catchy tune about creepy murder stalkers #nostalgia). And then,.. Read More

Will whorey makeup make me more dateable?

Reluctantly did I watch this thing today: Kinda obvi: Dress like a whore, get treated like a whore, die alone like a whore. But there’s more than meets the eyeliner here – because this is one of those things where as a chick, you have to meet your makeup halfway and consider the medium you’re using. First of all, people forget that who you are IRL is not who (or.. Read More