The Zombies are coming! The Zombies are coming!

So… what if Rudy Eugene and “Dong” the dude from China were indeed suddenly part of an ensuing zombie apocalypse about which nerds around the world are getting ‘tard ons over the mere concept?

Richard of asked some time ago whether a zombieland would be a carnival for the corpsey-philes, or if the animation of deadsies would ruin the experience for them all. I personally lean toward the latter concept, seeing as Bundy did indeed make his girlfriend lie still and quiet during sexy time, shouting: “Can’t you just PRETEND TO BE DEAD?!” and “NO! Open your eyes and just lay still! Try not to breathe!”

Duh. How could she not know that’s what her seemingly normal boyfriend wanted?!

"Don't you know how to be DEAD!??!?!"

Argument two would be our dear friend Dahmer. Now, he’s a bit of a dichotomy. While he loved the deadness of people (he even tried to resort to the use of mannequin parts for solo sexy sessions), he admitted that he “just wanted a sex slave” versus the killing part which he didn’t enjoy so much. In other words, his ideal mate would be someone who was there at his disposal to do whatever he wanted sexually, without having to worry about their needs or wants.

I guess I can see the appeal. I mean *I* would love to look like her...

He even did little experiments to try and “lobotomize” his captives into staying with him, so that their own desires would be negated. It’s not that he wanted them dead; he just wanted them to “stay with him forever”. So, naturally, he ate their hearts. Too bad he didn’t live in Colombia. He could’ve just used Scopolamine on them instead of racking up random body bits. (See my upcoming Scopolamine blog for more info on the most frightening drug ever).

Back to the topic… The follow up query on this topic speaks about the “morality” should the impending zombi-demic ensue.

As far as I’m concerned, I could see this issue, the “morality” and the “laws” surrounding it becoming a fresh piece of meat (pardon the pun) torn to bits between the sparring political parties.

Morally, I couldn’t see kidnapping or attempting to kill, stab, etc. them becoming a legal thing. Psychologists would say that (especially for young children witnessing these acts and/or partaking in them), that it would lead to violent, possibly “antisocial”/sadistic behavior in the developing psychological elements of the brain. Impressionable children in their young and teen years can easily associate anything they see with sexuality. That is just a fact. If exposed to torture, death, or other unhealthy practices during puberty, they may very well come to cultivate an indelible desire toward the macabre in a way they can’t control once they are adults.

From a legal standpoint, I think it’d come down to is this:

Yes, I know my zombie silhouette symbol looks more like godzilla than decaying flesh...

Just as the authorities tell you to contact them when someone (criminals) or something (dangerous animal) is threatening your life or someone else’s, I’ve a feeling that such would ring true here. As Rich suggested, it may differ from state to state, but I could totally see it beginning with “DO NOT APPROACH ZOMBIES. WAIT AND CALL THE AUTHORITIES” before laws like “POACHING AND MOLESTING ZOMBIES IS A CRIME, GUYSSS” needed to follow up.

After all, with our slothlike, lazy movements as we amble down the road, drooling over the next text we can’t even take the time to type out anymore, we Americans already look pretty much like zombies anyway. What a shame it’d be if some “Good Samaritan” accidentally killed off one of us overpopulated flesh sacks who are still alive/only dead in our souls (well, and arguably much of the grey matter too)?