This just in: Facebook is more than a place to post pictures of your meals, to speak on causes about which you don’t really intend to do anything, or complain about lovers and general malaise in life (while third world citizens and modern slaves wish they could be so lucky to have the luxury of boredom topping their complaint list)

Rather, its interactiveness actually allows for mass education:

…and for your friends to educate you.

So long as you can swallow your pride and allow yourself not to get butthurt over the fact that you’re mistaken while someone else is helping to educate you (so long as it’s not done in a confrontational or condescending manner), you might just learn a thing or two.

I know I did.

Your delivery is what’s key. Tone can be lost in translation on the internet, but if you use a social networking site or text-talk every day, you’re not an idiot who is unaware of how they sound. When two educated minds are open, so is the line of communication – and info assimilation becomes endless.
