Full-of-it Fuel

What a novel invention! Now, girls, your next task is to invent one that runs on “number two”. I know enough full-of-it folk to power your country and mine. xoxo

The Garden of Readin’

You know, anything that ever gets “banned”, immediately becomes like “forbidden fruit”. Everyone and their mother will trample each other just to get a glance at the source of the scandal themselves – even if it’s something that would fail to pique their interest otherwise. This is an actual event – one of many. There are plenty of legal/uncensored violence, sex, drugs, and blasphemy books. People are naturally just drawn.. Read More

Dexter: Morgan Minus McKay

Originally, I thought Dexter has to kill Hannah by the season’s end because she doesn’t fit the “redeeming quality” code that a loveable serial killer has to have. She merely kills for thrills and therefore fails to fit the bill. Also, it’d be a total transgression against Deb if she lived on and she and Dex stayed together, so she has to die. The question is “how”. Anyway, I don’t.. Read More