Originally, I thought Dexter has to kill Hannah by the season’s end because she doesn’t fit the “redeeming quality” code that a loveable serial killer has to have. She merely kills for thrills and therefore fails to fit the bill. Also, it’d be a total transgression against Deb if she lived on and she and Dex stayed together, so she has to die. The question is “how”.

Anyway, I don’t think Dexter will kill her. That plot’s played out, seeing as he already tried and that led to sex. They won’t repeat a table scene.

Instead, I think the mob boss dude coming after Dexter will. Totally.

First, he has to exact his revenge somehow. I mean, he’s already promised Dexter he’ll “regret sharing the details of Victor’s death”. Since Dexter killed someone he loved, it stands to reason he’ll try to kill someone Dexter loves. It won’t be Deb because Icetruck already went after Deb in an early season. And it won’t be Harrison because his son already got ‘napped by Tom Hanks’ son last season.

Those two plots would be redundant.

So, that leaves new interest Hannah, for whom Dexter now feels that one forbidden emotion he has repeatedly claimed he “can’t have” because he’s such a sociopath.

Except for with Deb.

And Rita.

And his dad.

Oh, yeah, and Harrison.

Seriously? That’s some selective sociopathy…

Would dead Hannah count as a repeated plot? (Another blonde bites the dust?)

Anyway, apart from the fact that she has to die according to protagonist rules, she also gave that whole “survival of the fittest” speech. Much like CrimeNovel guy with his oral fixation (which led to his death), most seemingly random qualities or monologues in shows like these have a point. Likely, Hannah will have to be “out-fitted” by someone of greater badassery than her own: Enter mob boss Isaac Sirko.

All the “elements” of this season come together and react….

…Hannah McKay = “Subtracted”
