Ducks have wings… and there’s spaghetti involved. Must be flying spaghetti monster!

Ah, the ubiquitous “duckface”.

Despite the numerous inquiries about this trend from men, and the copious amounts of girls who profess to never have fallen victim to attempting it – if for no reason other than as a self parody – it is alive and well and not going anywhere.


Regardless of its overuse in girl culture, it is undeniably the easiest way for chubby women to accomplish the look of sharp cheekbones and other pronounced facial structures while trying to look sexy. While it parades around as a modern meme, it’s actually been going on for much longer in girl-pose history. If you Google image your favorite Vargas picture, chances are, you’ll probably see it on a pinup chick sketched in a time that far predates the internet.

Regardless, that doesn’t help the case of many girls (and women who think they still are) who suddenly feel stupid flashing their favorite go-to face for photos.

For femmes finding themselves in this position, there are a plethora of other expressions you can make that will land fewer peanut gallery comments. The “smile with your eyes” face, for one, is a simple way to tighten the muscles of your cheekbones, while widening your eyes (a timeless Tyra B. trick).

“Smile with your eyes, girl!”

Also, turning to the side slightly, or “profiling” is obviously more flattering than a “mug shot”. Take advantage of shading with makeup; you can easily create cheekbones with the right blush or bronzer. The list goes on. However, if these fail and your photo face still looks akin to a bowl of mashed potatoes, the answer is pretty simple: Stop stuffing your face, down more water, and get off your fat ass. Your mug will slowly slim down, and before you know it, maybe you can even smile with your teeth and still have cheekbones without all that adipose blocking your beauty 🙂

Good luck, girls!
