The world of conspiracy theorists firmly believes either that the world is going to end soon, that the illuminati is going to take over, that we are all going to become enslaved, or all of the above.

What kills me, is that with the advent of this new generation’s technology, everything is spelled out for you, and not always correctly. “Look it up” no longer means “Go to the library and find out factual information regarding your question”; Rather, it now implies: “Type it into Google and maybe learn the truth or maybe read a poorly (or even well) formulated perception written by an internet troll”. In a world of black and white demands for instant gratification coupled with the query, “Is this true or not?”, where is the grey area? Where is that “in in-between” part where you use what you already know along with your powers of extrapolation to decide for yourself?

If the illuminati truly exists and it’s been planning a grand takeover, wouldn’t it already exist? Does it, maybe? Most of you put your whole world online, complete with status updates regarding what you’re eating down to when you shit it out. Details about what you like to watch, read, or which music genres to which you listen are regularly broadcasted to what you think is a private group of “friends”. Yet, in the age of hacking where anything is possible, how do you know that? Because the little button that says “privacy settings” told you so?

Grow up.

How about this food for thought: Remember Kony? If so, what ever happened with that? If you “spread the word”, why did you care in the first place?

If a celebrity you like or emulate, states something seemingly outlandish, you might give the concept a chance. If you’re impressionable or perhaps part of a younger generation, you might adopt it and even broadcast it yourself to “spread the word” without even thinking twice. Tell me: If you re-posted the “Kony” video, ask yourself what you knew about the issue before you did. If you knew nothing about that area of Africa, it’s history, etc., did you at least look it up to learn about it prior to contributing to its viral spread, or did you just re-post the story online because your favorite celebrity, Facebook, or Twitter friends did?

And now where is the fervent fascination in said Kony campaign?

Many celebrities – especially the ones who have admitted that from the start – back when they were “nobodies” – would “do anything” to become famous, can easily be bought. I’m no genius, but let me ask you this: If you were some “evil illuminati leader” (assuming such a position exists), wondering how to brainwash the masses, how would you do it?

The world’s too big to use brute force; so what’s easier than using the typical American’s weaknesses against them? How about using our proclivity toward laziness to dumb us all down via technology? How about turning our own vanity into an intelligence surveillance, during which we not only voluntarily put our lives online to prolong our pathetic “fifteen minutes of fame”, but update it every moment of every day? How about utilizing our own superficial obsession with the idols we worship against us to make us believe what you want us to believe?

All in all, it’s way too easy not to do.

In a recent documentary movie that was on TV, I heard an interesting quote about there existing a metaphoical “umbilical cord between celebrities and the truth”. In other words, if you’re in the public eye, then for whatever reason, a great number of people tend to take what you say to be gospel.

In case your technology guided life has already dumbed you down too much to connect the dots here, what I’m trying to say is that if your illuminati exists, they could easily pay Jane Doe millions to become your favorite pop star in exchange for her agreement to spread what ever message to the masses that was asked of her; and with the advent of social networking, that’s a mere keystroke away.

So, what more do you want from your “illuminati” if it exists? Do you expect them to come on the evening news and broadcast that they are now your god and government in one, but to “Keep calm and carry on”?

Ever heard the saying “The revolution will not be televised”?

Use the mind you’ve forfeited to the lady who lives in your iphone. Those who believe in this alleged secret society claim that it “hides in plain sight”, so who’s to say it’s not already here doing exactly that? Who’s to say we’re not the ones consuming it and regurgitating it back to one another all at once?

There’s not much you can do about a secret society that may or may not exist. However, what you can do is dig deeper into your grey matter before believing everything you encounter parading as “news”. Fact check for the validity of what you hear or what you think that you’ve seen (even videos can be taken out of context) before blindly believing it – or worse – reiterating it as truth to a new batch of believers.

In short, just know that it doesn’t make you a cynic to ask questions of the world as it spits “information” at you; Contrarily, it makes you more evolved than those around you. The key is to not be passive, but make a concerted effort to care enough to learn and spread the truth; just educate yourself and use your power of Socratic thinking. You don’t have to picket. You don’t have to protest.

Just keep calm and CARE… enough to learn and evolve.
