I’ve always loved reverse psychology.

People want what they’re told they can’t have.


And you can totally use this to your advantage, if you’re smart.

Which is why I don’t get why – if you’re a government who doesn’t want people to ingest a drug or sexercise a certain way – why you’d make that thing illegal. We’re little kids imprisoned in adult bodies. If you hide the cookies in the top cupboard, we’ll break our cervical vertebrae climbing up to get it. If you put a “sold” sign on a piece of shiz furniture, we’ll outbid the last bastard who bought it and then wield it like a victory flag as we leave the store. Likewise, we’ll wave rainbow flags if you tell us we can’t be gay.

In fact, I’m already feeling my inner Jenny Schecter awakening at the mere prospect.

But unlike the furniture (which wasn’t even sold – but the owner was using reverse psychology to make you think you couldn’t have it by putting a tag on it), people in power are really stupid about using this end-table logic for their own ends. They forget that what’s forbidden is desired. It’s like the apple. And the snake.

And the snake in the apple bottom, in this case.


(Anyone else think this guy looks like a centaur without hind legs?)

Hey, maybe he was – but they found out he was gay and hacked off his horse ass. My guess isn’t terribly far off – considering the fact that flogging by marines is exactly what LGBT folk earn themselves for living their lives and loving who they love. Why would anyone do this to their people? I couldn’t figure it out on my own. Luckily, I was able to dig up an enlightening quote from Mr. Mikhailov:

“In Russia for many centuries the ass was used for educational purposes and not for love entertainment. So we should use it according to its intended purpose.”

I’m sorry.

I… I just need a moment to save in my brain and make multiple copies of “love entertainment” for my skinemax synonyms files. Alright. Stored. Moving on. Oh, here’s a fun fact: They also banished from their banknotes a birthday suited Apollo – because his buffness “might make kids turn gay”.

Hmmm. Flogging and banning classic currency art to prevent gay-dom?


Eh… not so well.

Because for all the Russian rump flogging that’s gone on to combat queer-dom, you know what’s happened in response? The same thing that happens when you outlaw weed in the West: everyone wants a piece of dat grass or dat ass – whichever you make the proverbial red button. In fact, of all the anal-smut scouring nations, guess who came in first for fanny research?

You got it. Putin’s people prefer the pooper.

It’s too bad bigots are born without brains. Otherwise, they’d paint rainbows everywhere, start a Russian little Rascal’s club with “No girls allowed” signs, and make P in Va-G illegal before marriage. Come on, guys (*sassy agitated clap*).


Get it together. Didn’t the Victorian era teach you anything about sex?

Smart people use fox-like forethought.

Not force.