I spotlighted J.K. Rowling’s awesomeness recently.

That was because her capacity to wage metaphorical war on racism via fantasy is pretty much epic and deserved mention. While my first instinct was to say that today’s yes-and tale tacks on to that fact – but that the recent story in question is of a different caliber – that’d be in poor taste. ’cause it involves a gun shooting victim.

So, we won’t use that.


We’ll just say, this same bish who’s woven wonder from a kid’s fairy tale series, has also successfully proven she’s got a full on heart of gold. A week or two ago, this poor Texas teen had to deal with the real life Harry Potter sitch of having her family tragically murdered by a gunman. But this kid is as inspirational as she is tough. When the incident was going down, she had the forethought to “play dead” so that she wouldn’t get double tapped. But her boss-ness doesn’t end there. When she gave a speech at her fam’s funeral, she quoted some wizardry wisdom from the magical gospel that is Harry Potter – that resonates with anyone who needs a little hope.


Which is why homegirl definitely deserved to be blessed with what Rowling did in response.

After having seen what went down, and hearing the girl’s quote at the service, the more empathetic members of the interweb (yes, they exist) banded together to create a Facebook page encouraging the Potter author to meet the 15-year-old badass who’s made all my life problems seem pretty effing insignificant in about five seconds. When J.K. read the woeful backstory, she did her one better and wrote a personalized letter in-character from “Dumbledore” himself. Although she said the “contents are private” – I reeeeally hope the girl will post it online for me to enjoy with a 3 broomsticks butterbeer in one hand and a candy-that-turns-you-into-animals-and-steam-engines in another.

(That’s the Hogwarts combo version of slurpee and popcorn).

In all seriousness, though:

Wherever the killer is, may his next shot backfire and end him like Voldemort’s elder wand.