How it all began – not with a bang but a Swarzchild Radius

So, we’re a few months out from the end of the world and I think I’ve finally figured out how it all began… or close to it, at least. As I was watching a fun TV show called “The Universe” with its musings on the Big Bang, and how our universe can be traced back all these billions of years to that one point in time, I couldn’t help but.. Read More

Apple Hacks?

So I wake up to a breakfast of …Apple Hacks? Seriously, were we all raped in our sleep? I don’t have time to worry about this ish; gotta rush off to work! Someone tell me what’s up, if this “keep calm and follow these steps” site is legit, and how much I need to worry, pu-leeeeease, and thx. From the site: A group of hackers claims to have stolen.. Read More

Siri Symbolism

So, I’m too lazy to make the effort of first – picking up the remote, second – clicking to the weather channel, and third- (the worst part because I’m so impatient), waiting until commercials or whatever are over to see what the forecast will be. Naturally, I go ahead and ask the lady in my phone instead (which requires only two quick steps of pressing a big round button and.. Read More

Cute Cat is Cute

I was looking through some “We Love Pets” page on Facebook because I’m a typical girl, and came across this giggle worthy picture: While I don’t like cats quite as much as I do dogs (seriously, they just don’t love you as much!), I couldn’t help laugh as this came to mind: That is all. xoxo

Klan Kouture

The hour and a half spent at the salon, sitting in a horrible chair, exacerbating my stenosis while getting “blonded” is mitigated only by the latest and greatest girly girl magazines of the month. I get unnecessarily excited about makeup and clothing; Thus, Allure, Marie Claire, and Vogue all help me get through the ceaseless sciatica misery. Even the crazy just-for-the-catwalk outfits are sometimes fun to view for giggles. But.. Read More

Fake Akin

Dear Todd, as I’m sure you know, it’s almost my birthday and I just wanted to remind you that when that day arrives, you’ll still have roughly a week to obtain a court order for a withdrawal from the race for senate. Great news, right?! Don’t wait too long to make it official, sweetie. If you’re all lost, I’m referencing this gem: When I first heard this, I thought.. Read More

Nyad Cat

Heard of Diane Nyad? Well, I hadn’t, until recently. Through multiple jellyfish stings, she’s stopped only briefly for peanut butter and water, all the while replaying to herself to a “mental” playlist (I sometimes to do the same thing during my boring low impact cardio with real music) to get her through the 103 mile swim to which she has committed. The cherry topper? This amazing woman is turning 63.. Read More


After years of passive aggressive remarks from catty ass betches, like “Oh… are you sick?” or “Did you get enough sleep last night?”, I wondered: Why don’t you just say what you mean, slut? For insstance: “Oh Em Gee, just LOOK at those under-eye dark circles, you tacky looking ho! I mean, I don’t really care if you’re sick or not; I just want to draw attention to how awful.. Read More

Healthy or Die(t) 101 & Intro to Unconventional Anatomy

Not that teachers are failures, but if my spine ever fails to heal and I never get a chance to do what I really want, maybe I’ll become a Biology teacher JUST so that I can rock these amazing pants for instructional purposes on the anatomy/muscle section of the class: Although she looks a little like the scene from HellRaiser where the chick comes in without her skin on, and.. Read More

Ash-letic Salad

It’s a sick day for me, so I thought I’d catch up on a little writing and share a recipe with you. Of recent, my friend encouraged me to try out a more “plant based” diet. Thus, I bought a juicer, a bunch of produce, and things like maca powder, bee pollen, coconut oil, and have since been experimenting with mixing up my newfound dietary ingredients before coming up with.. Read More