
One can only take so much suffering before they finally give into a world of illegal drugs, criminal behavior, and transvestite prozzies.

That’s why I am instead going to try to mitigate my suffering before the downward spiral of agony allows that to transpire. This fine evening, for instance, will feature some perfectly safe Epsom salts added to steamy hot bath (the non zombie bath salts), augmented by my new seasonal pumpkin spice candle. My only danger is going to be if I get my new conditioner in my eye during my five minute lock lather session or if my bad leg gives out on me as I exit or enter the tub.

Now, if only I can invent a cushiony tub to make soak-time more comfy…

As for the sleep drugs? Well, the prescription stuff is useless and I don’t like it, Melatonin makes me cry randomly, so Valerian root is the new player on deck. They say to take five? Eff that noise. We don’t do rules. I’m taking six.

Hardcore like a MUG…

… of SleepyTime tea.
