Parents butthurt over a little peen

And today in butthurt parenting, we bring you: Toy penises No, not those. I mean, literal, actual plastic penises on the toy dolls kids play with. The ones where you change their diapers because they pissed themselves that are selling at Toys R Us. Indeed, a buncha moms took to Facebook with their imaginary soapboxes to voice their vexations about these lewd trinkets ending up in their homes. How dare.. Read More

Facbook game requesters: You’re uninvited.

Well, it’s good to know I’m not the only one who’s being perpetually victimized by rapid fire invitations for pointless games grown ass humans somehow have time to play on Facebook. I was going to spend this piece ruminating on a variety of possible reasons my thoughtless so called friends might be regressing to the level where they would actually do this to someone with whom they once shared a.. Read More