Drone wedding photos (try not to get seasick)

I thought I needed my contacts updated… …but clearly it’s just this horrible new wedding photo trend. Ya know, I get the 360 degree or panorama pictures. Those are fun because they make you feel like you’re wherever the douchebag trying to make you jealous is. They teleport that same post-cardy sentiment of “wish you were here” and fully capture how it felt to be overlooking Mount Whatever-akalau in Hawaii.. Read More

Eyes wide shutter

The “Google” Glass thing was bad enough. Now, this new concept has come forth – camera contact lenses with which you can capture anything from a beautiful sunset to Guinness worthy public transit gems. (Because it’s rude to use your fingers.) Like many roads to hell, this one was set with good intentions. The technology was initially developed for people with diabetes to monitor blood glucose by way of remote.. Read More

Cross cultural vanity

“Don’t take yourself too seriously – no one else is.” I heard this advice not long ago. And it’s true. Anyone I respect or admire is able to step back for a moment and relinquish any attachment to appearing above flaw, defect, or differences that might set us apart somehow. We all know in our hearts that error is natural. Sometimes we trip and fall. Sometimes we ruin Christmas. It’s.. Read More