Whoreloween nostalgia and toys I want

I used to enjoy Halloween for the obvious early-twenties, collegiate tramp reasons: It was really my favorite. A free pass to do what I did anyway: getting sloshed and dressing skeazy. Back then, I couldn’t tell you why I enjoyed the mix of spooky and slutty so much. But I assume it had to do with Elvira – that one T.V. host who was like Morticia Addams channeling Pam Anderson… Read More

Parents butthurt over a little peen

And today in butthurt parenting, we bring you: Toy penises No, not those. I mean, literal, actual plastic penises on the toy dolls kids play with. The ones where you change their diapers because they pissed themselves that are selling at Toys R Us. Indeed, a buncha moms took to Facebook with their imaginary soapboxes to voice their vexations about these lewd trinkets ending up in their homes. How dare.. Read More