Key to qi? Don’t take it too seriously.

“Is this right?” “No.” “How about now?” I asked this from my awkward squat position, while donning a giant grin that just begged for my Qigong instructor’s approval. Jorge Banales laughed and shook his head, ushering over the one other student – with a couple decades more (not just in age but in somatic awareness practice overall) experience to example-set. Ya know, so I could learn the hard stuff. Like.. Read More

On the roooad agai- Er. Treadmill. On the treadmill.

After four (light) years, I’ve finally started running again. Okay, okay. It’s more like rabbit-on-crack galloping. When I asked my P.T if I could run again with a herniated disc, he said, “Sure!”, told me “Chi” running would be best for my back, then said he’d show me how the next week if I waited. But a wise man once said, “The time is NOW.” And since I’m really good.. Read More