WCW: let’s celebrate Kate (woman crushing with a purpose)

Ehhhh, so what if I’m a day late? Let’s break the rules! Take the hashtags to the blogs! Celebrate #WCW twelve hours late! It’s Woman Crush Wednesday…. On Thursday morning! Ya know, what makes fantasy fodder so much fun is the same thing Hugh Hefner experiences IRL and Matt Mac’s character eloquently explains in “Dazed and Confused”: “I get older and they stay the same age.” That means that as.. Read More

How harnessing my chi helped my girl-gooch reach the ground

You know what I hate about motivational advice? Well, my brain, to be specif. It’s a tragedy, really – how my brain will take some good, clear, totally applicable advice and be mind-masturbated into total numbness by it (just ‘cause it’s a “cliché) instead of letting the message sink in, resonate, and do its magic on me. To be fair, not all motivational advice is effective – or at the.. Read More

Does god want me to be fat?

A friend posted a quote recently that I’m going to try now to remember: “Motivation doesn’t last – but neither does taking a shower. So you should try to do both every day.” Yeah, I think that’s it. And it’s true. It’s like another quote you hear in the rooms of drug or alcohol or overeating recovery: “Just for today”. You take things a day at a time until they.. Read More

Success: Spurred by satisfaction or suffering?

Does happiness lead to success? Vice versa? This thing I was watching (Fine. It was SoulPancake again. Get off me) asked a bunch of randoms to come in for an experiment. The first part was to offer half the subjects snacks and the others nada. The second involved giving them a puzzle to solve requiring critical thinking. *Okay, before we go any further, let’s see what you’d do: 1. You’re.. Read More

Carpe Diem versus Carping Daily

Once upon a time (last month) I was doing what I always do when I “don’t wanna” start my workout: looking on Instagram at the fit-spirational quotes and idioms that are supplemented with pretty pictures. This practice generally helps me get over my bratty-kid-brain part, reminds me that “want” is not an option, and auto ass kick myself into gear. However, that day, it sparked more in me than the.. Read More