Sia follow up: I had no idea she wrote for all these other peeps

Time to clear up the Sia thing. A few blogs ago, I thought mayhaps the talented Miss Sia had stolen that one song “Fire meet Gasoline” from Beyonce (“Halo”- the two sound alike, but at varying speeds). And, like many other people who haphazardly scrawl stuff out on the internet, I didn’t fact-check before posting. To be fair, I intentionally avoid doing too much “research” before I let the idea-bones.. Read More

Did Mila Kunis loot a coop? Does it matter?

In today’s not-news, Mila Kunis is getting sued for stealing a chicken. Ya know, maybe if she’d hidden her identity behind a fantastic faux hair piece like SIA does when she steals stuff, then she could’ve gotten away with it better. And she could’ve gone un-sued. And she’d now be living a life with her new avian acquaintance like the imaginary characters from Friends did with their duck in that.. Read More

What happens when 9 year old bubblegum thieves miss court?

A warrant for your arrest? When you’re nine? It sounds pretty bad ass. And it probably would be if the kid in question had knocked over a liquor store or kidnapped your mom, got her addicted to heroin, and made her work in his brothel in the hidden dungeon under La Lavandaria downtown. But just like the clothes in that hypothetical laundromat, this Idaho kid’s story’s too clean to be.. Read More

Stealing half a mill is less illegal than smoking weed. (Who knew?!)

Ever wonder how much money’s in those parking meters? Thomas Rico, a public works inspector in New Jersey sure did – right before stealing $460,000 in quarters from a buncha them. Now, he’s facing about five years worth of probation for cuffin’ them coins. Really? That’s all? I mean I get that the fact that it was quarters sort of trivializes the story a bit. But, dude – that’s still.. Read More