On today’s episode of Retro Tweets, I interact with mildly famous Twitter accounts (that is what that blue check means, no?) manned by admins I don’t know:

(The only musical duo that didn’t bore me when they did the whole track to a movie)

Also, that sounds like the plot to Splice.

Do they rape other clams at the end and fly away?

Did I forget to say spoiler alert there?

Does anyone else think Adrien Brody is terribly sexy even at his skinniest?

Moving on.

Ah, yes. Sons of Anarchy creator is definitely not an alien admin. I totally like him and dig that show he makes.

Kind of like when Gemma digs a meat-fork into Tara’s occipital lobe while drowning her in the kitchen sink.

Spoiler al- Oh, hell. I really need to work on this.

I’ll try harder. Promise.

Stay tuned for the next episode – where we discuss more tweets I have yet to manifest with my mind.