That moment when love silences the haters.

What’s the hardest habit you’ve ever had to quit in your life? Was it quitting the “binging and then complain about being fat” cycle? Chocolate or masturbation (or both… together)? Your only-gay-for-this-holiday lover? View post on Whatever it was – what I’m even more interested to know is – what exactly was your final inspiration to change. What was the ultimate catalyst? Was it that you envisaged how much.. Read More

#1 way to look like a sexy food Youtuber: be a sexy food Youtuber.

Although I’ve ragged on Freelee’s rag-cup videos before, she does have some great diet inspo. It’s just that I dunno if the way the diet gets championed is a blanket answer for everyone whose lifestyles are so… different from hers. But let’s backtrack for a sec. First, I’ll say that I can’t argue that this “Raw till 4” (the routine where you eat mostly fruits all day and can eat.. Read More

What we can learn from the Yellowstone wolf eco-effect

So, I just saw this amazing vid on the Yellowstone effect that happened when they added just one species to the mix. The idea was that all these animals were wandering around in this near-dystopian land. A buncha the bastards were eating up all the shrubbery, grazing the landscape away, and making the national park look like a flora infested outdoor crack house. Then, like some magical just-add-water answer, they.. Read More

I need to watch this TED talk at least twelve more times.

Another fantastic TED talk here… on innovation Actually, I clicked on this talk hoping it’d play out like a Buzzfeed list of 365 ways to unlock my creative ballpoint bearing braininess that didn’t wanna come out and write today. Just to show what a “dur” state I was in (my coffee was still brewing; get off me) before I pressed play, I didn’t even make the obvious connection literally anyone.. Read More

Yes, being sexist can be funny – if you are.

“As a woman, I endorse this,” I told my newest massage therapist. He was, of course, in the middle of describing to me the “hot versus crazy” x/y axes chart used to identify dateable women as he unleashed the week’s tension from my suboccipital lobe. I hadn’t heard of this one yet, so I made a point to come home and promptly look it up on Youtube after our session.. Read More

Turning comment sparring into a creative exercise (and ego stroker)

I always promise myself I won’t get into petty online comment volleys. So whenever I relapse, I try to do what any spiritual guru will tell me: To forgive myself and remain present through my dark hour. The other day, I managed to muddle through my giving-in by thinking outside the Youtube comment box. In reality, I didn’t anticipate to start an argument. But whenever I see a loose seam.. Read More

Make a Vegetable Garden With Me!

Where the hell is spring? Just kidding. It may not be leave-the-house-without-bringing-a-hoodie weather yet, but it’s not too bad. Sun’s out. Birds’re chirping. Third graders are outside, proudly puffing cigarettes in front of passing cars. S’nice. Sorta reminds me of dreams I’ve been fostering through frost of winter: erecting a vegetable garden in my parent’s backyard. It’d be something different, burn off some holiday adipose, and then help keep it.. Read More

Monkey gone to heaven in comment hell

I know that I’ve been inundated with too much iphone and internet when I start to write (I mean actually write – pen to paper) and I look for the microphone icon on the page of my notebook. It’s also a sign I’ve been spending too much time Stumbling or Youtubing or Facebooking when I sit down to enjoy a nice episode of “Hitler’s Henchman” (or whatever it’s called) on.. Read More

For You From Me: Springtime Ear Candy

Last month, my computer caught syphilis and bit the dust. Then, like Jesus, it came back to me in a few days. Also like Jesus, it was thusly put to use instantly for purposes other than that for which it was intended. Namely, music listening. That’s not that bad really – but what is a travesty is that my itunes assimilation is now fkkd four ways to Friday (is that.. Read More

Harlem Hounds

For all the effort people are putting into the Harlem Shake videos, I’d expected the original to be pretty awesome once I finally found it. I was sorely mistaken. I suppose internet memes, unlike movies, are an area where the sequels and remakes stand a good chance of outdoing the OG versions, and where the “less is more” rule can simultaneously apply. My case today will be made by dancing.. Read More